
Specifically speaking.

Specificity - say that five times fast. If, like me, you've used a content management system, you have run into some serious headaches applying css to deeply nested elements. This is not unique to CMSs though. Even if you have complete control over your HTML structure you'll still need to have a couple of tricks up your sleeve to style your pages.

For this post I'm going to take a look at:

King of your domain

I'm not about to start a civil war about URI vs URN vs URL, but it would be nice to know what that string in my browser actually means; so, we're taking a quick look at the anatomy of the URL. In future posts we'll be looking at single page applications, hash routing and APIs, which is where this post will come in handy.

I do declare

Declarative vs. Imperative

During one of our classes at The Iron Yard we had a discussion on declarative vs. imperative coding. On short, the primary difference is the basic structure and rhythm of your code. Here's how I understand it:

Alternative For Loops

We commonly use for loops to start at a numerical point and end at a numerical point, but they're not that rigid. In the below example we start with A, and on each loop we're adding B. Pretty cool if you ask me.


for (var start ="A"; start.length < 5; start = start + "B") {


> A  
> AB  
> ABB  

HTML Boilerplate

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title><!-- add title here --></title>
<meta name="description" content="<!-- add description here -->">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0">
<styles><!-- add styles here --></styles>

Creating Recursive Folders in Terminal

Occasionally I have to create complex folder structures, for example, creating a new project. With the -p flag it's pretty easy creating parent and child folders in terminal.

mkdir -p thisfolder/thatfolder/myfolder

The -p flag creates all the required parent folders. Nice!

If you want to get real fancy, create a genProject shell script and run it every time you want to start a new html based project. This one includes the HTML boilerplate and a simple css reset to boot.


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